Muralha da China

Muralha da China

Segundo o ArsTechnica, a China está bloqueando os RSS Feeds. Essa era a única forma de acessar conteúdo de sites bloqueados na China (vejam o site Great Firewall of China e confiram se seu site está bloqueado…o meu está!). Agora nem isso. Vejam o post completo, China’s Great Firewall turns its attention to RSS feeds:

“Savvy Internet fans in the people’s republic have known for a long time, however, that there have been simple ways to get forbidden information. One of those ways was the magical gift of Real Simple Syndication, or RSS. The Great Firewall can block specific web sites all it wants, but as long as there’s an RSS feed, many Chinese surfers can use feeds to access otherwise forbidden information. Unfortunately, China appears to have finally gotten wise to RSS as of late—reports have been popping up from our readers and around the web of not being able to access FeedBurner RSS feeds as early as August of this year. More recent reports tell us that the PSB appears to have extended this block to all incoming URLs that begin with “feeds,” “rss,” and “blog,” thus rendering the RSS feeds from many sites—including ones that aren’t blocked in China, such as Ars Technica—useless”.