Para entender o Mobile 2.0, vejam artigo de Rudy De Waele, uma das cabeças do Mobile Monday, acontecendo hoje em Barcelona, dedicado aos jogos por celular:
“…De cualquier manera, el futuro de juegos móviles parece recaer en un nuevo tipo de juegos incorporados a las capacidades del teléfono móvil para percibir su contexto. Así como el recién estrenado y exitoso Wiimote, los nuevos mecanismos o aparatos, se vuelven sensibles al movimiento (p.ej. Nokia N5500), atrayendo a los jugadores hacia el movimiento físico, como parte del juego o partida . Además, la aparición de las comunicaciones de cercanía “near-field comunication” (RFID, Bluetooth, QR codes ) y las tecnologías de posicinamiento geográfico, permite nuevos tipos de escenarios que enlazan mundos virtuales con el entorno físico del jugador. Por ejemplo, juegos multi-jugador basados en la posición que se juegan en las calles y entramados urbanos.”
O Mobile 2.0, assim como a Web 2.0 expressa as modificações nas práticas de acesso e postagem de informações na Web a partid dos dispositivos móveis.
“It’s absolutely necessary that more connections are made between the players in the web 2.0 sphere (a.k.a. next generation web apps & services) and what some Mobilists are calling mobile 2.0. What we mean by ‘mobile 2.0’ is another (r)evolution, already started, that will dramatically change the web and the mobility landscape that we currently know. The idea is that the mobile web will become the dominant access method in many countries of the world, with devices that become more hybrid and networks that become more powerful – everywhere in the next decade to come.
The rapid penetration of Wireless Broadband Access (WBA) technologies such as 3G/UMTS, the migration of traditional telecom networks to internet technology, the availability of affordable and functional Wi-Fi and dual mode Wi-Fi/mobile phones… will all boost VoIP over broadband internet and ultimately blur the distinction between fixed and mobile services, since both become wireless and IP based…”