Mac a prova de balas

O Mac é conhecido pela sua bela e funcional interface gráfica, por ser inovador, não travar e ser mais seguro. Agora, vemos mais uma vantagem dos laptops da maça: podemos andar com eles e nos proteger de balas perdidas nas nossas violentas cidades. Vejam esse post no blog Gizmodo:

“Can’t afford to splurge on a Halliburton case for your shiny MacBook Pro? Turns out you may not have to. This Brasilian MacBook Pro over here took a bullet that was intended for its owner over the weekend during a mugging gone wrong and surprisingly, it still worked after being shot. So either that was a crap gun they used or the MacBook Pro is one tough lappie that doesn’t need babying. – Louis Ramirez”