Cellphone in Davos

Cellphone in Davos

Darren Waters, do blog sobre tecnologia da BBC News, reporta sobre o uso de telefones celulares (para vídeos) na cobertura de Davos ressaltando a importância da mobilidade e da conectividade para blogueiros, jornalistas e “citizen jornalists” na cobertura de eventos. Waters ressalta o uso de softwares como Qik e Seesmic que publicam ao vivo (streaming) vídeos do celular para a internet.

Vejam trechos do post Mobile video at Davos:

“One of the talking points to emerge from Davos this year is the use of online video to report instantly on events, with little mediation through traditional channels.

Mobile camera phone have been trialling a mobile journalism unit, with reporters armed with adapted phones to attached microphones. Short, sharp interviews are posted quickly to a dedicated page on the Reuters website.

The news agency has also handed some of the phones to some blogging luminaries, including Jeff Jarvis, who has championed what is called “networked journalism”. I’ll be honest, I’m not entirely sure what networked journalism is – and I’m not sure anyone is – but part of it is the use of reporting tools which can make use of the connected nature of the web, to build an inclusive form of journalism.

But it’s not Reuters making waves in online video that was the talking point of Davos. It’s people like Robert Scoble and Loic LeMeur. Scoble, who works for Fast Company and is a renowned blogger in his own right, has been trawling the corridors of power at Davos recording interviews on his Nokia N95 and sometimes going live, using a software tool called Qik. Our online business editor Tim Weber was also roped into one of Scoble’s interviews while at Davos.

LeMeur has been using Qik also – as well as his own tool Seesmic, recording video conversations direct from Davos. Online tools like Qik and connected devices like mobile phones are combining to give reporters and citizen journalists the ability to produce journalism without any of the usual filters or production layers.

Of course it’s not quite as simple as it appears – both Scoble and LeMeur have a profile which transcends the tools they use. Scoble may “just be a blogger” but his status as an ex-Microsoft employee and LeMeur’s connection to people like Sarkozy open doors.

But that’s not the point I’m trying to make: These tools are tremendously exciting – whether you’re a lone blogger, a mainstream news agency or even the world’s largest news organisation like the BBC.(…)