Wiki Rome

Roma será palco de experiência em mapeamento e tecnologias móveis.

O laboratório Senseable City do MIT lança amanhã, dia 8 de setembro, o projeto Wiki City Rome’. Trata-se do uso de informações de telefones celulares e outras tecnologias sem fio para traçar mapas mostrando o fluxo em tempo real de informações da capital italiana (movimento de multidões, de ônibus e trens, locais de eventos, etc.


“Residents of Italy’s capital will glimpse the future of urban mapmaking next month with the launch of “Wiki City Rome,” a project developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that uses data from cellphones and other wireless technology to illustrate the city’s pulse in real time. The project will debut Sept. 8 during Rome’s “Notte Bianca” or white night, an all-night festival of events across the capital city. During that night, anyone with an Internet connection will be able to see a unique map of the Italian capital that shows the movements of crowds, event locations, the whereabouts of well-known Roman personalities, and the real-time position of city buses and trains.The map will also be broadcast on a big-screen display in one of Rome’s main squares in the city center, giving Romans real-time feedback on the human dynamics in their immediate surroundings.

“By deploying developments of the ‘Web 2.0’ and the ‘Semantic Web,’ Wiki City can be a significant leap forward towards a pervasive ‘internet of things’ to support human action and interaction,” said Carlo Ratti. Ratti’s team obtains its data anonymously from cell phones, GPS devices on buses and taxis, and other wireless mobile devices. Data are made anonymous and aggregated from the beginning, so there are no implications for individual privacy.”