Wi-Fi na Praia

Para quem pode se entediar nas praias, a onda agora é ficar conectado enquanto toma um solzinho….Relaxar e não fazer nada não está no cardápio!!! É o que mostra o post Wireless hits the beach: Ocean City, New Jersey updates the beach tag:

“Wireless hits the beach: Ocean City, New Jersey updates the beach tag
It’s summer and in some communities such as Ocean City, New Jersey, people are thinking of ways to use wireless networks to make a day at the beach less of a hassle. Applications such as wireless beach tags are high up on the city’s list. Read the Newsday article here.

Ocean City isn’t the only beach community that is trying to improve the visitor experience. Blankenberge, Belgium wants to use the citywide Wi-Fi network that is currently being deployed for the Kidswatch project (providing wireless bracelets to children). Santa Monica, California wants to improve parking and traffic control via the city’s Wi-Fi network (soon to be deployed).”