The Panopticon
Para quem se interessa por câmeras de vigilância, há um Flickr Group, o Pictures Of Surveillance Cameras, onde é possível ver um mapa dos lugares onde as fotos foram tiradas: panoptincon do panopticon?
Muitas dessas câmeras funcionam por redes sem fio em cicuito fechado e artistas, como a canadense Michelle Teran, tentam justamente inverter a lógica e problematizar a sociedade do controle e vigilância. Já havíamos relatado aqui nesse Carnet o projeto “Life. A User’s Manual” onde ela capta imagens pelas redes wi-fi das câmeras e as expõem em público. Vejam agora o resumo do trabalho “A Beginner’s Guide to Parasitic Behavior”, apresentado em Madrid na semana passada no Medialab Prado:
“A parasite is defined as an organism living with, or on another organism and an intimate association between organisms of two or more kinds. In cities, associations between technological objects and networks, buildings and bodies are carried out in ways that can be considered parasitic, illustrating a continuous and emerging state of hybridity. An artist, the ultimate parasite, who creates networked, location-based works can highlight and exploit these different relationships, by hijacking transmissions and space, developing hybrid forms between the technological and everyday, nomadic and vagabond architectures and other delightful activities. Within this seminar we will explore all things parasitic and consider various strategies and methodologies for making networked location-based work.”