The Mobile City Conference

The Mobile City Conference

Lego na entrada do evento: “Contemporary cities are the realization of a vision that was once upon a time played with, perhaps even on a table filled with Lego.”

Post de Roman Tol Blog faz uma bela síntese do encontro em Rotterdam. Tive um paper e a participação nos workshops aceitos, mas não fui por não ter tido apoio para a viagem (uma fortuna de Edmonton para Rotterdam), e logo ter surgido o evento em Madrid com todo o apoio. Bom, uma extensiva resenha com vários projetos e reflexões interessantes. Para uma visão completa veja o post. Aqui apenas a conclusão.

Anne Nigten, StalkShow: StalkShow deals with the threat of insecurity and isolation in public space.

“(…) There are optimistic and pessimistic ways of looking at technological advancement. Ambient, ubiquitous or locative media, like all new technological systems, tend to become hidden and disappear at precisely the moment that they become important. They weave themselves in the practices of everyday life. Infrastructure is embedded, transparent, temporal or spatial reach or scope, is learned by its users, and is linked to conventional practices (e.g. electricity). From the cerebral discussions, the project presentations, and questions from the audience it can be concluded that there are three domains which technological expansion and the ‘hybridization of space’ influence: consumerism, militarism/security, and urban activism (art + activism). Technology is placed in the city with good intentions, but now the architecture is there for control. Database coupling and searches result in that we have become statistical persons. Political choices establish how algorithms are determining networks; it can be used commercially, militaristic, or for reformation. The topics moved beyond city architecture and touched upon urban culture and identity. Moreover, it questioned the interplay of physical and digital urban spheres in an age of mobile media. (…)”