O Social Technologies Summit , “a major international conference exploring the creative and social potential of new technologies, bringing together leading figures to explore ‘a whole new way of doing things in the air'”, do Futuresonic 2007 (em maio em Manchester) tem como eixos discussões interessantes.
“The Summit looks at social activity and what people are actually doing with all these devices, and asks what will be the impact of social technologies on art, music and culture?”
In 2007 a focus of the Social Technologies Summit is ENVIRONMENT 2.0, a new international initiative in which two worlds collide: * The world is waking up to realities of climate change, long predicted but until now too easy to ignore.
* The world is in love with smart environments, mobile communication, pervasive media, wearable computing. Can these two approaches to environment, each one iconic for our times, be reconciled?
FREE-MEDIA – Free-media increases access to media technologies, especially to the people who need it most and can afford it the least, and lowers environmental impact of the media we produce and consume.
THE MAP DESIGNERS – …an event drawing together map hackers, artists, cartographers, DIY technologists, architects, game programmers, bloggers and semantic web philosophers. Presented by the British Cartographic Society & Society of Cartographers, the event will focus upon the interface between cartography and cutting edge design.
FUTUREVISUAL – …a city wide celebration of future image and sound. It will mark the 40th anniversary of the first multimedia events of the kind that we would understand today, which took place in the halcyon year of 1967, the year that also saw the first crossover between avant garde and popular music, and the introduction of the Moog synthesiser.
Social Technologies
Consider the sheer scale of social technologies, and their economic and social muscle:* Google’s index HAS NOT been written by Google staff, but by millions of collaborative contributors throughout the world. * The web itself is an example of a social technology – and what made the web possible was that it is an open system – each web page allows itself to be linked to without reference to the original author; the web is defined by open, internationally standardised, royalty-free languages and protocols; you don’t need a licence to contribute. * The fastest-growing operating system in the world (Linux) is freely available, technically superior and highly efficient – and it’s an example of social technology – it’s owned by its contributors, and the key to its security and fast growth is its openness – anyone can make improvements.
ahh eu quero ir!!!