Responsive Environments

Responsive Environments

Post do Scott Fisher, um dos pioneiros da Realidade Virtual, mostra esquema e resumo da apresentação de Lisa F. Grand e Jeff Watson sobre Locative Media and Responsive Environments no IMD Forum que aconteceu no USC’s Robert Zemeckis Center for Digital Arts (RZC), no último dia 22. O abstract resume bem o atual debate sobre mídia locativa. Vejam abaixo o esquema e parte do resumo mostrando a evolução do que venho chamando de fase do “download do ciberespaço”. O argumento é que o desenvolvimento das serviços e tecnologias baseados em localização vão “desintegrar” completamente as fronteiras entre o espaço físico e eletrônico, ou como coloca os autores, entre o mundo real e virtual.


“(…) By placing custom bar code glyphs, GPS/Google Earth markers, sensor systems or other smart-phone-readable triggers in physical locations, designers can create hyperlinks connecting real-world objects or places with a wide variety of media — from video, audio and text content to dynamic data feeds and opportunities for interactions with both human and non-human agencies. Crucially, however, this layering practice does not stop at the level of the hyperlink or the traditional notion of Augmented Reality. Rather, designers are beginning to perceive opportunities for embedding responsive computational power in physical space, enabling environments to track, profile and communicate with their inhabitants, providing customized, adaptive and anticipatory user experiences. After surveying this nascent practice of layering information and computation atop and within physical space — the latest step in the gradual disintegration of the boundary between the Real and the Virtual (…)”.