Psychogeographie and Bloomsday

Psychogeographie and Bloomsday

Evento Joyce Walks Call convida para psycogeografias no “Bloomsday”, no próximo dia 16 de junho. O Bloomsday é o dia em que se passa o romance Ulisses de Joyce narrando a epopéia de Bloom por Dublin. Pessoas são convidadas a gerar mapas de suas andanças em qualquer lugar do planeta a partir do site Joyce Walk (do artista de Dublin, Conor McGarrigle). Trechos do Post do Networked Performance:

“(…) 1000 Joyce Walks is a participatory global intervention which aims to create a day of psychogeographical exploration with 1000 interventions in 24 hours across the globe. The project uses the Joyce Walks project to remap routes from James Joyce’s Ulysses to any city in the world to be used as the basis of walks which navigate urban space in a new and unexpected way. Based on the Situationist Dérive Joyce Walks is a participatory spatial tool which overlays virtual layers of meaning over real space enabling the user to create temporary location based interventions and social spaces which tactically insert themselves into the urban environment inscribing a new set of meanings onto the very fabric of the city.

Participation is easy.

– Use the Joyce Walks website to generate a walk in any city of your choice
– invite your friends and peer group to join you on your walk and
– document the experience simply with some photos and/or videos,
– use the Joyce Walks site to generate a googlemaps mashup of your walk to be shared on the Joyce Walks site or embedded on any webpage
– most importantly – have fun!”