Mobile Music Workshop

No Conflux, um workshop sobre musica e dispositivos móveis, o Mobile Music Workshop. Essa é a quarta edição do evento que dessa vez será na Holanda, no Waag Society em Amsterdã. Aqui o foco será mídia interativa e locativa. Vejam detalhes do evento:

“The Mobile Music Workshops are a series of annual gatherings on the creative uses of mobile music technologies. This series of annual workshops began to explore and establish the emerging field of mobile music technology in 2004 in a workshop held at the Viktoria Institute in Gothenberg Sweden. The second workshop was organised in May 2005 during the NIME05 conference in Vancouver, Canada and included hands-on brainstorming activities. The third edition of the workshop was a two-day event, taking place in March 2006 at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. It focused on the locative media aspect of mobile music. This year’s workshop was hosted by STEIM and Waag Society in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, two arts centers known for interactive music and locative media respecitvely. The 2008 workshop will take place at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. This presentation introduces the NY and U.S. audience to developments in the European scene in mobile and locative music. It serves also to raise interest for a possible North American edition of the workshop in the future.”