Mobile Computing

Mobile Computing

Interessante texto, “The Mobile Context and People-centric Mobile Computing”, e entrevista com Enrique Ortiz de eZee (via People-centric Mobile Computing).

Resumo do artigo:

“The mobile handset is, by its own nature, a social artifact; an object made, and used by people to connect with people. This is the reason why the next big development in mobility and mobile services involves social software in some form or fashion, to enable better ways to find, communicate and share with friends and family, to learn about nearby places, to consume information, all while on the go. It is about the freedom to find and consume information, and connect, interact, communicate, and share with others…

Successful mobile applications are the ones that are great at delivering a great mobile user experience. A great mobile experience is one that keeps the user engaged, is visually appealing, is well organized, and provides clear flows and ways of accomplishing the tasks at hand. A rich mobile user experience leverages that mobile context. The user’s mobile context can be defined as the set of and the intersection between facts, events, circumstances, and information that surrounds the (mobile) user at a given point in time.”

One Reply to “Mobile Computing”

  1. OI André, li seu texto sobre as placas inteligentes via bluetooth para disponibilizar conteúdo para aparelhos móveis. Já existe esta tecnologia disponível no Brasil? Como eu posso cotar essas placas?
    Você acha que é possível transmitir vídeos de 1 minuto?
    Claudia Garrocini (Kcau)

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