

NOTICE: There was a picture here – the pethroglyphe map from Valcamonica, Italia – took and linked from/to a website: “http://imaginarymu….”. But the author, that scanned (without permission, or didn’t mention any permission on his website) the image from a book, is accusing my from stealing “his” image and his bandwidth…So I took off “his” image and put a new one, scanned by myself from the book “You are Here. Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination” (Katharine Harmon, Princeton Architectural Press, NY, 2004), just to illustrate my point in this post. (22/03/2008)

Mapa (petroglifo) de Valcamonica, Itália, 2500 aC

Como tenho colocado nesse Carnet, na era do desenvolvimento das mídias de função pós-massiva e da conexão móvel sem fio, torna-se imprescindível investigar a relação entre dispositivos móveis, espaço urbano e (re)configuração de lugares, ou seja a interface entre geografia, urbanismo e comunicação.

Como temos resenhado aqui, mídias locativas, mapas, geotags, localização, vigilância… têm sido objetos de investigação em diversos eventos ao redor do planeta, refletindo a importância do assunto na atual cibercultura. Mapeamento, geolocalização, realidade aumentada…como pensamos esses assunto a partir de uma análise social e comunicacional?

Por exemplo, como os mapas (desde os primeiros petroglifos de 2500 aC) representam poderes e passam a fazer parte da produção de conteúdo da cibercultura, como podemos pensá-los hoje? Tudo mapear e nunca se perder não revelaria uma busca por controle e segurança? Ou seriam os mapas formas de leitura, permitindo, fugas e mobilidades no espaço urbano? Mapeamentos, GPS, localização são ferramentas da mobilidade ou justamente o contrário? Para mais sobre esse assunto sugiro alguns livros como “Geography of Communication; Mapping, ways of representing the world”; “Else/Where: Mapping. New Carthographies of Networks and Territories”; “You are Here. Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination”.

Vejam trecho do post do Networked_Performance, relatndo mais um evento sobre o tema: “Being Here: Mapping the Contemporary [Bucharest]”:

“Mapping is, in fact, not a mimetic exercise, a process of analogue imitation by way of reduction and abstraction, a means towards the splendid and refractory lives of copies and reproductions. Maps are, rather, parallell worlds, rich and powerful out of their own specific properties, producers of other spaces and alternative geographies. And exactly because of this: resourceful and productive and beautiful instrumentalities for the contemporary moment, for navigation – or withdrawal ? in these strange times in the midst of the landscapes of terror, fear and loss, of the territories of restricted movement, control and surveillance, of borders which are walls, of globalization with its promises and defeats.”

2 Replies to “Mapping”

  1. again the bad habbit of hot-linking to an iamge… stealing some one's else bandwith; also recferring to the original context of an image found; so download my scan from a great book… (I do give full bibliographical reference) please undersatnd how the internet works and how to behave

  2. Why link to an image is a bad habbit? stealing bandwith? From whom? Just to ilustrate my proposal. But you're right and I linked now… but the image is not yours!

    Scanning from a book (yeah, great one)????…did you ask the books editors about it? please understand that bibliographical reference don't solve the copyright problem…Have to stop the internet and the circulation of knowledge. Please understand how the internet works, and copyright and culture…

    You have your credit now for stealing an image from a book by scanning (bad resolution) it (maybe I'm wrong and you have the rights to copy the image and put on the internet).

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