Hybrid Spaces

Hybrid Space

Número da Open dedica-se aos espaços híbridos. Vários artigos interessantes de, entre outros autores, Sassia Sasken e H. Rheingold. Comecei agora a ler e volto a eles mais tarde. Vejam a apresentação para dar o gostinho (obrigado Rob Shields).

“OPEN no. 11 Hybrid Space. How wireless media are mobilizing public space. The public domain is a place where people act and create a ‘communal world full of differences’. This space has become ‘hybrid’ in nature: a complex of concrete and virtual qualities, of static and mobile domains, of public and private spheres, of global and local interests. Last but not least, hybrid space is formed by wireless and mobile media like GSM, GPS, Wi-Fi and RFID. These media are deployed as control mechanisms, but also as alternative tools for increasing and intensifying public agency. A select company of artists, designers, architects and urban designers is investigating its implications and possibilities and putting them to the test.”