Can Linux unite Korea?

Can Linux unite Korea?

O sistema operacional de fonte aberta Linux poderia aproximar as duas Coréias? Bom, é o que propõe essa matéria do The Guardian. Trechos:

“(…) South Korea is one of Linux’s biggest converts. Since discovering the free operating system in 2003, officials have unveiled plans to switch all government-run offices to Linux. Now under the terms of the agreement signed between the two states, South Korea will set up Linux training centres in North Korea.

Lee Yon-nim, 28, is a former IT consultant at Posco, a South Korean steel exporter. “Why Linux? Because it’s free. Government offices don’t have to buy licences for it, unlike Windows, which can end up costing an enormous amount. In theory, having a standardised version for the North and South will help matters enormously if the countries do unify in the future.’ (…)”