Camiseta Wi-Fi
Camiseta detecta hotspots e avisa usuário enquanto ela caminha pelas cidades desplugadas da era da informação. Vejam o post Wi-Fi Detector Shirt.

“Most animated T-shirts currently on the market are not very useful. However this new Wi-Fi Detector shirt is and it can help you detect those all important hotspots while walking along on the street. If it will ever spread beyond the geek community it might just give you the perfect excuse to stare at women’s breasts without exposing yourself to a sexual harassment lawsuit.
With an almost exponential growth in the number of hotspots around the world, the need for quick, simple and cheap Wi-Fi detectors is clear. These little devices ranging in size from a key chain to a small cell phone can detect the 2.4Ghz signal coming from a Wi-Fi source and alert the user to its presence as well as to the strength of the signal”(…)