Welcome to the era of big, bad open information. Context needed.
Connected devices can generate gobs of data, but if we’re going to open it up we’re also going to the need the context that will make it meaningful.
Source: gigaom.com
André Lemos, Escritor, Professor Titular da Faculdade de Comunicação da UFBA, Pesquisador 1A do CNPq
Connected devices can generate gobs of data, but if we’re going to open it up we’re also going to the need the context that will make it meaningful.
Source: gigaom.com
When ordinary people make an effort to change the world for the better, something extraordinary is bound to happen. Which is why IBM’s People for Smarter Cities, in a partnership with the video crowdsourcing platform Zooppa, asked citizens around the world for ideas on making cities smarter. … Leia mais… »
he visions we get about future cities are inevitably “smart,” generally slick, and frequently lonely. Data helps individuals to glide their way around a city smoothly without the crippling embarrassment of asking for directions, or indeed talking to anyone. So where is everyone else? What does … Leia mais… »
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Talvez agora me faça entender, quando insisto há anos, sobre a necessidade de fazer dos laboratórios e grupos de pesquisa um laboratório de escrita. O texto é o nosso produto principal. Afirmo que os nossos mestrandos e doutorandos precisam praticar a escrita, aprimorar o texto, dado que produzimos um texto Leia mais… »
The promise of urban informatics: some speculations by Nigel Thrift | EPA on Informational Territory curated by André Lemos Leia mais… »
20 Day Stranger is an iPhone app that reveals intimate, shared connections between two anonymous individuals. It’s a mobile experience that exchanges one person’s experience of the world with another’s, while preserving anonymity on both sides. For 20 days, you and a stranger will experience the … Leia mais… »
Data-driven transformation raises question of how much power to keep vs. farm out. From the thermostats on our walls to the sensors under the asphalt of our streets, digital technology – the so-called Internet of things – is pervading and infecting every aspect of our lives. As this technolog… Leia mais… »
See on Scoop.it – Informational Territory Good morning! Or evening, if you happen to be reading this on the other side of the world. Our topic for today is the internet. What? You already know about the internet? No, no, I don’t mean that internet, the boring old one you use to access Leia mais… »
Nunca quis ser jogador de futebol, mas quase me tornei um. Desde os 10 anos ou antes, o futebol era meu esporte e minha paixão. Vivia o futebol, pensava em futebol, seguia o futebol. Isso é culpa do meu pai, da copa de 1970, como mostrei em outro post. Lembro Leia mais… »
Copa do mundo sempre foi momento de festa familiar. Assistir jogos da copa era assistir com meu pai, minha mãe e irmãs. Meu pai era uma figura central, ficava mobilizado como ninguém, andava pela casa nervoso e dava cambalhotas em gols clássicos, como o de Falcão contra a Itália em Leia mais… »