Gincana GPS

Gincana GPS

Muitos dos jogos pervasivos (que utilizam tecnologias digitais móveis de comunicação e localização como elementos fundamentais do jogo, fundindo espaço físico e eletrônico) paracem mesmo com gincanas (todos sabem: jogos coletivos para realizaçao de tarefas onde a pontuação indica uma equipe vencedora). Aproveitando essa similaridade, o MobileFest, junto com o Waag, de Amsterdã, estão realizando o projeto Holambra, uma gincana com GPS entre São Paulo e a cidade holandesa. O jogo é um “(…) educational project on cultural exchange that explores the impact that multi-ethnic societies of Brasil and The Netherlands have on cultural themes such as music & dance, language, fashion, habits & rituals and design & art. Global Gincana searches for ways to combine the traditional Brasilian Gincana game principles with location-aware (GPS) mobile technology to create a new format of discovering cultural expression in urban environments. A school in Sao Paulo and Amsterdam will exchange their thoughts and experiences on the different cultural themes by playing these new types of urban games.”

O evento acontecerá durante o CampusParty, na área Campus Futuro, em São Paulo. O projeto tem uma forte conotação cultural e educacional, como podemos ler no site: “The purpose of the Global Gincana project is to create an informal learning environment that engages young people in Brazil and The Netherlands in the question of cultural heritage and identity in a multi-cultural society. Global Gincana explores the possibilities of the city as a learning environment, addressing the search for new learning formats that present subjects in a new light and invite students to participate and share cultural experiences. The project will set an example for international exchange projects. (…) They investigate themes such as music & dance, language, fashion, habits & rituals and design & art and look for interesting examples, expressions and stories in their environment. By sharing experiences through mobile media and a webbased platform, students learn from each other’s culture and look at their own in new ways. The Dutch students will discover the old tradition of the Brazilian Gincana: a community game in which collaboration and competitive spirit are crucial to succeed. The Brazilian students are given access to technologies and learning methods developed with and used by Dutch schools, presuming that a hands-on way of teaching and learning could lead students to better understand their past and present in a critical manner (…)”

Mais uma excelente iniciativa do amigo Paulo Hartmann.