
Tive a honra de ser convidado para participar do projeto “ZeitRaum. MEDIENKUNST AM FLUGHAFEN WIEN”, do Futurelab Ars Electronica, de Linz, Áustria. O projeto é de uma instalação muito interessente no aeroporto de Viena, Áustria que busca interconectar espaços, tempos e culturas. Segundo os idealizadores:

“There is a space that interconnects all international airports. Every airline passenger worldwide traverses this domain—from the moment they pass through the security check until they exit the airport at their final destination. This space hosts over 5 billion people annually, is constantly shifting its boundaries in accordance with current air traffic, and interweaves cultures, languages and nationalities just as it shuffles time zones. Those who’ve cleared its metal detector portal feel closer to other air travelers in, say, Toronto than they do to the taxi from which they just alit … Vienna borders on Cairo.

The peaks and valleys of ZeitRaum (TimeSpace) are formed by the latest takeoffs and landings at Vienna International Airport. Every passenger entering ZeitRaum triggers the release of a cloud of letters that rain down upon this terrain. Texts about TimeSpace authored by scientists and literati gradually accrue like a layer of snow—each one an invitation to embark on a personal, imaginary journey of one’s own. On your way to your departure gate and in the waiting areas, you’ll encounter more invitations of this sort.”

Meu texto está disponível no e-book do projeto que conta ainda com artigo de pensadores como Sassia Sasken, Howard Rheingold, Derrick de Kerckove, Humberto Maturana, entre outros. O download em alemão e inglês é free. Confiram!