Wi-Fi em L.A.
Matéria do Los Angeles Times mostra os desafios da implementação de redes Wi-Fi baratas ou gratuitas em Los Angeles, apesar de problemas em outras cidades, como mostramos em outros posts. Vejam a matéria completa no link do L.A.Times.
WI-FI USERS: Two people take advantage of the high-speed wireless Internet service in Riverside. Other cities such as San Francisco and Chicago have stumbled with their Wi-Fi plans.
“Los Angeles may well become the city to watch as it goes through a laborious process to determine whether a wireless broadband network is needed — and how the service would pay for itself.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa outlined plans in February to blanket Los Angeles with wireless Internet access that people could use for free or for a small monthly subscription. The city’s Information Technology Agency, which heads the Wi-Fi initiative, hired consulting firm Civitium in June to conduct a feasibility study.
The study, expected to be delivered to the mayor and the City Council in December, is being built on information from meetings with schools, hospitals, businesses, consumer groups, focus groups and other city agencies.”