Urban futures

Street Anotation
Em Vancouver, primavera de 2010.

Post do Pasta&Vinegar apresenta uma discussão rápida sobre o debate cinema e cidade. O autor, Nova, sustenta que há uma mudança da “ficção-científica” para o “ficção-design”, Urban futures: from science-fiction to design fiction. Vejam os slides disponibilizados e a tese do autor:

I gave a talk about an interesting shift from urban representations of the future created by science-fiction writers/directors to design projects about urban phenomena created by designers: video games, visual representations, new forms of maps. All of these can be considered as “design fictions” which have something to say about cities.

Mas o que quero destacar aqui é a concordância entre suas conclusões e o que venho afirmando nos produtos da minha atual pesquisa (artigos, livros, palestras…): novos territórios informacionais, era da mobilidade e da ubiquidade, espaço comunicativos e urbanos, espacialização, novas cartografias, mídias locativas…

Vejam o que diz Nova:

In sum, new representations of the urban futures I’m interested are mostly design fictions with the following characteristics:

1. They’re not only about the urban morphology, they’re also about invisible phenomena such as radiowaves or the city metabolism (e.g. with cell-phone usage),
2. A new asthaethic emerges from the digital culture (video games, web and mobile culture) and leads to curious metaphors and representations,
3. The territory itself is augmented and new layers of information/experience is added on top of existing places.