TXT Mob na Holanda

Alunos entram em greve na Holanda e usam SMS para mobilização. Essa forma de mobilização, Smart Mob para Rheingold, pode ser vista como a formação de territórios informacionais para mobilização política criando “zonas de autonomia temporária”, ou linhas de fuga “desterritorializantes”. Vejam post do Smart Mobs by Gerrit Visser:

“Dutch high school students have been “on strike” this week, protesting against extra school hours. Students spread word to join protests on Friday and Monday using online and mobile phone text messages. (…)

Dutch high school students have been “on strike” this week, protesting against extra school hours. Students spread word to join protests on Friday and Monday using online and mobile phone text messages.
via Yahoo!News
by way ofA Lethe by Toby Sterling (…)”