

Para a coleção….mais um location-based mobile game, Timehole (junho de 2007).

“Spirits from the past are entering our world through a mysterious ‘Timehole’. Help world famous Paranormal Investigators Pat and Dave lay these spirits to rest and close the Timehole!

(…) The Timehole Mediascape can be played anywhere out doors by any number of people.Once you start a new game, Pat and Dave will guide you through the set-up and playing of the game. The Timehole Mediascape is comprised of a central Timehole point with four Spirit Spaces placed around it. We recommend you mark your Timehole point with a visual reminder when first placing the hot spots. This is particularly useful if you choose to play in an area without any obvious landmarks such as a playing field. You’ll remove this of course before the game starts as discovering the five invisible zones using the GPS is all part of the fun! Oh and it’s best not to do it in flip-flops on wet grass but if you’re Mediascaping on a beach, lucky you!”