

Vínculo direto com as experiências com as mídias locativas, as derivas e psicogeografias de dadaístas, surrealistas e situacionistas marcam as atuais derivas tecnologicas com dispositivos móveis e de localização, como anotações urbanas, escritas e desenhos com GPS, pervasive games…Recente evento em Amsterdam reforça essa linhagem. E o que mostra o post do The Mobile City sobre “Locative media and the situationists”.

Getting lost with GPS

“During the last museumnight in Amsterdam the Amsterdam architecture institute Arcam decided to have an evening about the situationists. Apparently the Dutch situationist Constant had (co-)written a pamphlet fifty years earlier about his ideal city. The pamphet, it was revealed, could just as easily be interpreted as a joke instead of as an actual serious statement. Those silly situationists, always up to mischief. The important thing to me was, however, that Arcam invited me to host an hour in which we talked about locative media art in relation to the situationists. Jeremy Wood was there for instance, to talk about his GPS drawings. What struck me was that locative media practitioners often refer back to the situationists as some kind of ancestors, as if they’re working in the same vein. The situationist love for traipsing about town is shared by locative artists who similarly enjoy taking computing ‘outside’, into ‘everyday life’. Just like the situationists we must reclaim the street, and this time we’ll use computers to do it!

(…) Well, in front of me I have a little article I tore from the corner of a newspaper. It tells about tourists from Norway whose GPS, trying to get them to the airport, led them into one of the most dangerous neighbourhouds in Rio de Janeiro. The driver promptly got shot in the shoulder, they barely made it out. A ‘work’ like that would have to be a situationist’s wet dream.”