Shanghai’s Smart Mob
Matéria do informa sobre mobilizações usando SMS, Blogs, YouTube realizadas pela classe média em Shanghai contra a expansão do maglev, o trêm magnético da cidade.
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Abaixo trechos da matéria:
“In a minute, the exchange was over, but the news would soon be added to the steady flow of reports being posted on blogs and community bulletin boards, as well as in housing compounds along the proposed extension — which residents contend will bring noise pollution and possibly dangerous radiation to their neighborhoods.
The demonstrations do have at least one recent precursor, and it is one Shanghai residents acknowledge using for inspiration. In the picturesque seaside city of Xiamen, thousands of middle-class residents have managed at least temporarily to halt the construction of a $1 billion chemical factory because of environmental concerns. Demonstrators in that city, in Fujian province, relied on the Internet and cellphone text messaging to organize strolls and other opposition.(…)”