Realidade Aumentada

Realidade Aumentada

Post do Locative Media mostra nova patente do Geovector que permite que o usuário com um telefone celular possa não só navegar por informação usando GPS e bússola, mas também
interagir com imagens em bancos de dados. Pode-se assim, passear no “passado” com imagens antigas do lugar. Segundo o post de acordo com a patente:

“‘Imagine pointing a mobile device down a city street and seeing a digital image of how that street looked a century ago, or might look a century from now. Imagine pointing at a new car billboard and seeing the car in any color you want, then downloading a video clip,’ explained John Ellenby, GeoVector’s CEO. ‘GeoVector’s technology enables countless possibilities for entertainment, advertising or e-commerce applications.’

GeoVector currently enables mobile devices to access data on points of interest using a unique combination of GPS and a built-in compass. The new patent builds upon that capability, allowing users to interact with stored images based on their surroundings.(…)”

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