MySpace generation

MySpace generation

Interessante paper de Trebor Scholz, publicado na “re-public. Devo encontrá-lo ainda esse ano para falar de mídias locativas no IDC (trocamos emails mas está difícil achar uma data e meu visto venceu…). O paper, “What the MySpace generation should know about working for free”, mostra como Trebor tem desenvolvido um interessante trabalho de criticismo (com inteligência e olhos bem abertos, o que as vezes é raro) em relação às novas mídias e as novas funções “pós-massivas”.

Deixo aqui trecho final do paper, mas aconselho a leitura completa:

“(…) What are pragmatic, feasible critical practices in relation to the sociable web? Sociable, not-for profit zones are rarified; at the sign of success, corporate giants buy them out. It’s not so easy to exempt yourself from being taken advantage of online. But there are a few alternatives such as Craigslist (Craig Newmark rejected several large offers) and (Brewster Kahle’s philosophy does not leave room for a corporate takeover). These examples, however, are hardly representative of the World Wide Web. A hybrid model acknowledging critical alternatives living on corporate grounds may include MySpace hacks or activist groups organizing and socializing in that context.

(…) In addition to such hybrid practices, I argue for the need for a participatory skill set, resistance to the monocultures of the web and self-awareness in order to navigate sociable web media consistent with our own values. Sociable Web Media make people easier to use but we can’t let them (and them in us) get the best of us.”