Mobile World

Mobile World

Matéria do NYT sobre evento em Boston, mostra como deve ser a mobilidade no futuro próximo de acordo com o inventor da Web, Tim Berners-Lee. Ele fala de descentralizacao e da necessidade dos sistemas manterem uma relação direta com a internet. Ele alerta para que os dispositivos móveis deixem o usuário escolher quais serviços e quais sites acessar, diferente do que acontece hoje com o iPhone e o iTunes, ou outros serviços comerciais de localização. Falávamos do sistema de IA da PARC, Magitti, em outro post, alertando justamente para essa dimensão do problema.

Vejam trechos da matéria, Tim Berners-Lee Warns of “Walled Gardens” for Mobile Internet :

“(…) On the opening day of Mobile Internet World in Boston, the man credited with inventing the World Wide Web told a packed hall that the mobile Internet needs to be fully and completely the Internet, nothing more and nothing less. It needs to be free of central control, universal, and embodied in open standards. ‘The Web is an open platform on which you build other things,’ he said. ‘That’s how you get this innovation. The Web is universal: you can run it on any hardware, on any operating system, it can be used by people of different languages…It’s a sandbox where people can [play and] exercise their creativity. It’s very important to keep the Web universal as we merge the Internet with mobile.’ The title of his talk was ‘Escaping the Walled Garden: Growing the Mobile Web with Open Standards.’ The ‘walled garden’ is the metaphor that describes today’s cable TV and cellular data networks, where subscribers can only use devices authorized by the carrier, and can only access content and services authorized by the carrier, the exact opposite of the World Wide Web running over the IP-based Internet, which cell phone users access from their home and work PCs.”