Mobile Social Networks and Locative Media
Post do blog mostra pesquisa da In-Stat, “Mobile Social Networking: Marketing to Millenials”, (ver website) apresentando os números futuros das “redes sociais móveis”, ou seja, do uso de blogs, micro-blogs, e serviços de localização para contato social. Tenho mostrado (vejam aqui alguns posts sobre essa temática) como os “location-based services” e as “location-based technologies” criam reforço comunitário em mobilidade. Vejamos os números:
“Almost 30 million of US millennials will subscribe to mobile social networking by the year 2012.
Despite the fact social network advertising continues to be experimental to marketers, 2008 will see revenues surpassing the $1.5 billon mark.
Following the iPhone launch, mobile phone users changed their expectations – they want a single converged device that can do many things.”
Outro post interessante sobre as mídias locativas (LBS+LBT) vem do Gadling (por Jeremy Kressmann), apresentando diversas experiências. Embora não haja nada de novo, o post serve como referência incial para os que se interessam pelo assunto. Ele mostra a importância dos LBS para reforço comunitário, para serviços como geotagging e foto, GPS e games, turismo e viagens em geral. Trechos:
“(…) But in fact, GPS and Google Maps is only the beginning. As we saw with yesterday’s new 3G iPhone with built-in GPS, we’re in the midst of a new era of “location aware devices.” (…) This has enabled a huge range of new ways to use your phone, from getting turn-by-turn driving directions to more advanced applications that combine the power of social networks with your location. (…) Not only does your mobile phone know where you are, your camera is also getting in on the act too. Tools like this Sony GPS unit let you add location data to your snapshots, providing a whole new dimension to your digital scrapbook. (…) In addition to GPS-equipped phones and cameras, there are also plenty of other ways you can use GPS devices just for goofing around. (…) Not only do these new location-aware devices services provide us with useful information, they promise to change the way we travel. We are no longer tied to the recommendations of guidebooks. We can call upon user-created information about places to make informed decisions about what to see and where to go. We can take a look at a tiny street in a far-away land, without ever having to step foot there. Or we can use these new services for just plain fun. As location-based devices and services become cheaper and more widespread, they can only serve to help us make more informed travel decisions in the future.”
Vemos aqui as principais características das mídias locativas: resignificação dos lugares, funções pós-massivas, reforço comunitário, mobilidade física e informacional, territórios informacionais, vigilância e controle… Para um resumo dessas questões vejam a minha apresentação no MediaLab Prado em março último. Dois artigos (parte do livro que escrevo sobre esse assunto) estão em gestação e/ou no prelo para publicação. Assim que forem “liberados”, coloco aqui no Carnet.