Midia Locativa e Psicogeografia em Boston

Midia Locativa e Psicogeografia em Boston

Mais um projeto unindo midia locativa e psicogeografia. O Tulca Freedon Trail, criado por Conor McGarrigle, oferece passeios sonoros pela historia do EUA (Boston) remapenado e re-significando sua historia a partir do Boston Freedom Trail to Galway. Vejam trechos do post do Networked Performance.

“(…)November 10, 2007; 3:30 pm – Conor McGarrigle invites you to join him on a guided tour of the Freedom Trail and a free flowing conversation on freedom, art, maps, cultural tourism, situationism and the art of getting lost; leaves from 1-5 Merchants Road, Galway. The Tulca Freedom Trail is a self guided audio tour based on a remapping of the famous Boston Freedom Trail to Galway. Participants equipped with a map and the authentic audio guide walk the route of the Boston Freedom Trail – commemorating the events of the American War of Independence – which has been remapped to the streets of Galway. The tour draws on the historic connections between Galway and Boston, explores the troubled concept of American freedom in the contemporary political climate and encourages the user to see Galway in a new and unexpected way.(…)

Drawing on the Situationalist idea of the psychogeographical dérive the project seeks to gently subvert the experience of cultural tourism by transferring a cultural experience from it’s ‘proper place’ to another city where it has no specific relevance. This disruption frees the user to experience the city in an unexpected way and may become the basis of another cultural experience independent of the culture industry. The Tulca Freedom Trail is a refinement of a concept first developed in the artist’s Joyce Walks Project.”T