McCain Blogette
Chego em casa cansado depois de um dia de reunião, aula e happy hour e, via twitter, vejo a dica do Marcelo Tas sobre o blog da filha do McCain. Acesso o – Musings and Pop Culture on the Political Trail e, depois de ver muitas fotos, caio nesse post:
“(…) I make no excuses for the state of politics today. But I want everyone to know that my dad is more than ready to be the President this country needs right now. Everyone always assumed Iraq would be this campaign’s number one hurdle. The only thing I respect more than people’s opinions about how to proceed in Iraq are the men and women who are bravely serving our country in harm’s way every single day. My Dad is the only candidate with real military experience who has the support of an overwhelming majority of current service members. And if you really want to know how much I trust him, remember that I have two brothers who are serving, one of whom is about to redeploy.”
Por essas e outras, se eu fosse americano, ou ia embora do país ou votaria Obama, ou os dois.
Caro André:
Votar no Obama, mesmo não sendo cidadão americano, você pode [] :-).
Luciano Carôso