Maps, Maps, Maps

Maps, Maps, Maps,

E por falar em mapas, GPS e psicogeografia, vejam esse mapa de Paris no século XVIII, do cartógrafo César-François Cassini, interpolado ao Google Maps por Geo Garage (via Mirá de Julián Gallo).

Mais mapas interessantes podem ser vistos nos links propostos pelo Where, como:

Fake is the New Real, (…)this site offers up a heaping helping of cartography and taxonomy with attitude; Paris Traffic Noise, (…) a zoomable, 3D, color-coded map of the noise levels of every public street and park inside the Périphérique; Stamen Design, (…) the design studio behind some of the most resonant online maps in recent memory. First came Cabspotting, which uses GPS technology to track cabs in San Francisco(…); Transparent New York, (…) The site features an interactive series of layers that allow you to construct your own maps of Manhattan; Zipdecode,
(…) allows you to type in any series of numbers to discover what (if any) US municipality claims your numeric ramblings as its ZIP code.”