Jornalismo Movel

Materia do mostra como a Reuters esta’ utilizando as novas tecnologias moveis para “transformar a forma de trabalho dos jornalistas” (obrigado Fernando!). As tecnologias digitais da mobilidade criam assim, talvez pela primeira vez, condicoes ideais para o exercicio do que o jornalismo informativo sempre buscou: a difusao de informacao em tempo real e diretamente do evento, em todas as modalidades midiaticas (texto, som, foto e video).

Trechos abaixo:

“Working in partnership with Nokia, reporters in the field have been equipped with lightweight kit – based around a videophone – to file and publish stories without the need of any additional technical or editorial support. Reuters has been running the trial since the summer with reporters editing, producing and publishing their own multi-media stories. The trial involved journalists filing stories on topics ranging from New York Fashion Week, to the Edinburgh Film Festival and the US presidential primary campaigns.

Reuters has also developed a mobile editorial interface that links the toolkit to the in-house editorial process, allowing stories to be published almost instantly from the field. Metadata facilities in the mobile automatically combine all the information the device has about the context for the story – location, time, date. (…)”