Face recognition

Matéria do The Guardian mostra novos desdobramentos da sociedade de controle, o reconhecimento facil a partir de vigilância em CCTV. O sistema reconhece rostos e podem propor uma “face média” para um suspeito. Vejam o vídeo no site com uma simulação do suspeito “Jack Nicholson”. Mais um sistema de visibilidade performático implantado para aumentar a segurança (ou a paranóia e o sentimento de estar sendo observado o tempo todo) em aeroportos e espaços públicos.


“Scientists have developed a ‘face averaging’ technique which dramatically improves the success rate of computer face-recognition systems and may be used to streamline airport security, solve crimes captured on CCTV – and find celebrity lookalikes.Using the new technique boosted the performance of a widely used face recognition software package from 54% accuracy to 100%, University of Glasgow researchers said yesterday in a paper published in Science.

(…) Automatic systems would be very useful for recognising wanted criminals automatically on CCTV or for making check-in at airports more streamlined, but at present they typically make too many mistakes except under very controlled conditions.

(…) Jenkins said his approach did not compete with current technology. “One thing I really like about this approach is we are proposing a technique, not a device,” he said. “We are saying, you can keep the same machines, but if you can change the input you can radically improve their performance.”