Na década de 50, o filósofo Gilbert Simondon falava dos processos de “naturalização” das tecnologias, quando elas ganham vida própria com um “modo de existência” particular e quase independente. A matéria da Reuteurs, Young keep it simple in high-tech world mostra esse processo em pesquisa. Jovens (mais de 18.000 pesquisados) de vários países (inclusive o Brasil) não pensam mais em “tecnologia” como algo a parte. As diversas ações “tecnológicas”, como navegar na web, entrar em “softwares sociais” como o Orkut, blogar ou usar um celular já se tornaram “invisíveis”, naturalizadas nas diversas ações do quotidiano. Quem tem filho(a) na faixa entre os 5 e 10 sabe muito bem o que é isso!
“LONDON (Reuters) – While young people embrace the Web with real or virtual friends and their cell phone is never far away, relatively few like technology and those that do tend to be in Brazil, India and China, according to a survey.
Only a handful think of technology as a concept, and just 16 percent use terms like “social networking”, said two combined surveys covering 8- to 24-year-olds published on Tuesday by Microsoft and Viacom units MTV Networks and Nickelodeon.
“Young people don’t see “tech” as a separate entity – it’s an organic part of their lives,” said Andrew Davidson, vice president of MTV’s VBS International Insight unit.
“Talking to them about the role of technology in their lifestyle would be like talking to kids in the 1980s about the role the park swing or the telephone played in their social lives — it’s invisible.”
The surveys involved 18,000 young people in 16 countries including the UK, U.S., China, Japan, Canada and Mexico.
Terms most frequently used by the young when talking about technology related to accessing content for free, notably “download and “burn”.”