

Era da conexão. Novos sensores em rede substituirão informação “estática”. Carros trocarão informação entre eles e isso poderá evitar acidentes em estradas. Vejam matéria da BBC :

“Sensor networks instead take information from several individual nodes – potentially thousands of them in different locations – in real time, and can act on it accordingly. This means that during a journey, vehicles could monitor each other’s speed and position – and therefore dramatically cut the risk of accidents.

‘I think that we may, in the future, go beyond just communication to using the network to interact with the environment,’ Professor PR Kumar of the Convergence Lab at the University of Illinois told BBC World Service’s Digital Planet programme. ‘For example, cars on a highway may talk to each other and find out each others’ speeds. So a sensor in that context could just be the speedometer on a car, which could talk to surrounding cars. ‘These cars could then co-operate with each other to avoid accidents and so on.'”