Sexo, Crianças e Celulares

Sexo, Crianças e Celulares

Pesquisa de Emma Bond, do Chimera, Institue for Social and Technica Research da University of Essex, GB, mostra o uso dos telefones celulares, e das redes bluetooth para troca de arquivos (fotos, vídeos, sms), entre os jovens e como eles assumem um papel importante nos ritos sexuais e de paquera. O texto completo está no 160Characters Association.


“The research suggests that the mobile phone blurs the boundaries of contemporary childhoods so that sexual activity is no longer confined to behind closed doors or to ‘behind the bike shed’ of a generation ago. This research provides understanding of contemporary young people, sexuality and mobile phones in their everyday lives and the experiences discussed in the research resonate with notions of the pursuit of self and personal identity, whilst the findings suggest that the relationship between the mobile phone, young people and sexuality is complex. It is fundamentally, therefore, important to understand contemporary children’s everyday lives and their constructions of self as gendered, sexual identities from their point of view. Only then can we provide truly child-centric services, strategies and policies.”