Roupas e RFID

Roupas e RFID

Loja na Alemanha utiliza etiquetas com chip RFID para propor roupas (obrigado Adriana Amaral).

O sistema identifica as compras do usuario e propoe outras baseados nos “proativos” perfis virtuais. Ao escolher uma camisa, o sistema ativa perfis que propoem, por exemplo, gravatas. Ha’ inclusive um espelho virtual que “mostra” a roupa para o usuario. O que era imaginario em Minority Report torna-se realidade. Temos mostrado outros exemplos nesse Carnet.

Vejam trechos do post do blog de Roland Piquepaille da ZDNET:

“A German department store, the Galeria Kaufhof in Essen, part of the Metro retailing group, is using RFID technology in a new way. Of course, it is using the tags to track the clothing items from its suppliers up to checkout. But according to a short article in Baseline, men buying clothes in this store will get automatic suggestions. For example, when you go to a dressing room to try a suit, a ’smart mirror’ will tell you what kind of shirt or tie you need to buy with it. Will this technology be deployed elsewhere? Time will tell.

You can see above the kind of ’smart mirror’ you’ll find in the Galeria Kaufhof (site in German) department store in Essen, Germany. Here is a description of Galeria Kaufhof in English by its owner, the METRO Group.

And on the photo above, you can see a customer in front of clothes to choose from. The two images above come from RFID project photogallery (Credit and copyright: Kaufhof Warenhaus AG.)(…)”