Pet Shop Boys e QR codes

Ontem postei sobre os QR Codes e hoje chega esse post do picturephoning informando que o duo inglês Pet Shop Boy utiliza os códigos QR em novo video-clip, “Integral”, criticando a sociedade de vigilância e controle. No caso, o QR Code leva o usuário para sites sobre proteção da privacidade. Vejam:

“(…) Viewers with a mobile phone and a small piece of software can take pictures of the codes, and then be transported to a website about personal freedom. [via Digital Experience]. ‘Integral’ is a critique of the Big Brother surveillance state with the slogan ‘if you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear’. The QR codes are linked to websites containing info about issues of civil liberties. All the QR codes are available as downloads and people are asked to use them in their own videos, and upload them to a dedicated YouTube group.”