Neutralidade da Rede

Neutralidade da Rede e Vigilância do Bem

Para tentar barrar as tentativas do grande business de quebrar a neutralidade da rede, que em muitos aspectos seria um fator contrário à inovação, o PFIR (People for Internet Responsabiliy) propõe criar um observatório para monitorar e detectar automaticamente usos prejudiciais ou manipulações na capacidade de tráfego de dados (bandwidth). A idéia é criar um sistema que permita detectar quebras de neutralidade da rede. Vejam post do Arstechnica a esse respeito: PFIR proposes automated network neutrality enforcement system:

“People for Internet Responsibility (PFIR) co-founder Lauren Weinstein has issued a proposal for a global Internet traffic analysis system capable of automatically detecting prejudicial bandwidth manipulation. Weinstein believes that implementation of his proposal could put an end to the impasse that has stalled the network neutrality debate.

Network neutrality is a model of broadband network operation that does not distinguish between different kinds of traffic for prioritization purposes. Applied to the Internet, network neutrality generally implies that all forms of traffic—regardless of the nature, source, or recipient—are given equal treatment and transmitted without selective degradation. The aim is to prevent the construction of a so-called tiered Internet, which critics argue would lead to widespread quality of service (QoS) discrimination that would stifle freedom of expression on the Internet and allow the broadband duopoly to set up exploitative digital toll booths to cash in on content delivery. Supporters of a tiered Internet argue that network neutrality would impede innovation and degrade network operator property rights. The debate has become increasingly hostile, and little headway has been made.

Getting the facts, and acting on them

A recent proposal issued by PFIR aims to offer a more constructive way to move the net neutrality debate forward. The proposal suggests establishing a distributed global Internet traffic monitoring system that would facilitate rapid detection of abusive network manipulation. At a minimum, this system could be used to provide insight and statistical data so that legislators can make informed decisions about what regulatory solutions are actually needed, if any.

PFIR says the system could also be used for a real-time network neutrality enforcement framework. Legislators could craft a set of uniform network handling standards and an automated system could be devised to leverage the monitoring statistics and impose corrective sanctions when deviations are detected. The standards could be adjusted as needed in order to limit any potential negative impact on innovation. (…)”