Mobile Web

Mobile Web

Post do TechCrunch explica o sucesso da Web Móvel pelos telefones celulares 3G no Japão (e ainda patina nos outros países).
Vejam o post na íntegra no link acima. Abaixo alguns dados interessantes:

Uso do telefone celular no metrô de Tóquio (foto da minha amiga Raquel Abi-Sâmara)

“(…) In Japan, since 2006 more people have been accessing the web through cell phones than through PCs. Is this a picture of things to come in other countries? Not necessarily. The interplay of five specific factors paved the way for the success of the mobile web in Japan (where I live) and largely explains why it hasn’t taken off yet elsewhere:

* the ubiquity of advanced cell phones combined with a vast selection of tailor-made services
* tech-savvy customers who often had their first web experience on a cell phone
* a reliable technical infrastructure
* symbiotic business relations between carriers and content providers
* relatively sound regulatory policy

Japan’s image as a high-speed testbed for the world’s most advanced mobile technology is well-deserved. A staggering 90 million 3G handsets are currently in circulation. Over 70% of people in this nation of 127 million are subscribed to mobile web data plans. By way of comparison: The 3G penetration rate stands at 23.8% in the US (where 52 million 3G handsets are on the market) and at 11.1% in Europe. 15.6% of American mobile subscribers use the mobile web.

(…) The availability of cutting-edge phones is one reason why many Japanese people don’t own a PC but would rather browse the web exclusively on mobile devices. And it’s not just for short bursts. They never write SMS either but rather thumb-text push-mails, often containing little icons, emoticons and coded youth slang acronyms. Booking flights online, ordering clothes, auctioning off used stuff, gaming, paying for movie tickets via direct debit: all of this has been possible on Japanese mobile phones for years now.

(…) In the meantime, Japan wouldn’t be Japan if it wasn’t thinking even further ahead. Think next-generation mobile networks: In March already, Docomo successfully transmitted 250Mbps packets in an experimental Super 3G system, planning to end preparations for the eventual launch by 2009.

2 Replies to “Mobile Web”

  1. Prof. permita-me um comentário, mas pelo que estamos vendo até hoje, na verdade a expressão Mobile Web é inadequada, não acha? O que na verdade é "móvel" é a internet… ou melhor, os pontos de acesso !!! Ora, a web é, por natureza, móvel. Senão como navegaríamos nela????? Bom, só problematizando e tentando diferenciar estes dois "quase", mas nunca sinônimos.

  2. Nao Macello, quem é movel é o usuário. Navegar na internet é uma metáfora. Web Movel significa que vc pode acessar informação em dislocando seu corpo no espaço.

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