Jay Bolter, locative rhetoric

Jay Bolter, locative rhetoric

Jon Bolter, do excelente “Remediation” (junto com Gruzin) está interessado na experiencias de localização com as novas mídias móveis. Do blog digital digs podemos ler trechos onde aparecem o interesse pelos temas que venho desenvolvento atualmente com “territórios informacionais”, questionamento das teses sobre “não-lugar”, ou “perda do sentido do lugar”, etc. Vejam trechos a partir da conferência de Bolter em congresso sobre “Computers and Writing”:

“As Bolter notes, the early web articulated itself as a separate space whose utopian promise lay in its ability to allow us to leave history and materiality in meat

(…) Bolter’s contemporary interests are in the intersection of the virtual and the material: intersecting virtual characters with physical spaces, offering location-specific media through wireless networks, and so on. It is maybe not surprising that Gibson has made a similar journey to where his last couple books, but especially the most recent Spook Country deal with these intersections. Spook Country deals very directly with the kind of “locative media” that also interests Bolter. Cyberspace is everting, as one of Gibson’s characters announces, turning itself inside out. And Gibson offers a Hayles-like date for this transformation

(…) The result is the end of the non-place, non-identity (i.e, the no one knows you’re a dog effect) of the old web and the arrival of a new topography, a new inscriptional technology of place. This is something I’ve touched on a couple times over the years in relation to the discussion of the geospatial web and other matters. However, with Bolter this is a more sweeping issue, this is part of a new way of understanding compositional processes that network the virtual-informational symbolic environment with the virtual-unfolding materiality of a topologically-articulated environment.”