Get lost

Get Lost

Pequena cidade do Minnesota, North Oaks, quer desaparecer do mapa. A municipalidade requereu e o Google retirou imagens do “Street View”, reporta matéria do CNET Como as estradas são privadas, todos são avisados com sinais de “no-trespassing”. E a coisa é para ser levada a sério. O “não entrar” aqui vale também para visitantes virtuais. Interessante conflito entre receios e constrangimentos locais afetando o espaço eletrônico. Bom, pelo menos agora conhecemos North Oaks, não pelos mapas, mas pela imprensa.


“North Oaks, a private community of 4,500 residents north of St. Paul, isn’t too keen on outsiders traipsing through its privately owned streets–even if is only on the Internet. According to the city’s Web site, the roads are privately owned, and a no-trespassing sign greets potential visitors to the city. So city officials were really unhappy when images of their streets and homes appeared on the Google Maps feature, which presents a view of dozens of United States cities from a driver’s perspective. The North Oaks City Council sent the Internet search giant a letter in January demanding that images be removed or risk being cited for trespassing, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. (…)”