Facts, Entities and Feelings

Facts, Entities and Feelings

Lendo Whitehead para compreender melhor a dinâmica do atual, do potência, do fluxo e dos “afetos”. Isso pode ajudar a entender a dinâmica socio-comuncacional das mídias pós-massivas e das tecnologias da mobilidade nas cidades contemporâneas.

O que são os lugares, “an actual entity”, senão processos, linhas de fluxo, “eventos”?

Como percebemos, “sentimos”, essas entidades atuais e a própria dimensão do “urbano” (o virtual, a potência da concretude das cidades) hoje com as tecnologias móveis?

Como a cidade concreta, o processo das coisas atuais, é subjetivizada na sensação (“feeling”) do urbano e como esse “feeling” influencia os processos sociais e comunicacionais?

Deixo citações de Whitehead para finalizar esse dia e sair para “sentir” o que pulsa lá fora!

“The general principle will be termed the ontological principle. It is the principle that everything is positively somewhere in actuality, and in potency everywhere (…). Each actual entity is conceived as an act of experience arising out of data. It is a process of ‘feeling’ the many data, so as to absorb them into the unity of one individual ‘satisfaction’. Here ‘feeling’ is the term used for the basic generic operation of passing from the objectivity of the data to the subjectivity of the actual entity in question. Feelings are variously specialized operations, effecting a transition into subjectivity. (…) An actual entity is a process, and is not describable in terms of the morphology of a ‘stuff'”(p.54).

“All actual entities in the actual world, relatively to a given actual entity as ‘subject’, are necessarily ‘felt’ by that subject, though in general vaguely. An actual entity as felt is said to be objectified for that subject” (p. 55)

“There is nothing in the real world which is merely an inert fact. Every reality is there for feeling: it promotes feeling; and it is felt.” (p. 364)

(Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality, Collier-Macmillan, Toronto, 1969)