Constrangimento Sem Fio

Constrangimento Sem Fio

O projeto “Constrain City” pretente trazer literalmente para o corpo a forca dos territorios informacionais, fazendo com que o usuario sinta na carne,a partir de um colete, as forcas das redes eletromagneticas que nos envolvem na cibercultura. Quanto mais forte o signal de uma rede Wi-Fi, por exemplo, maior e’ o “aperto” que o colete exerce sobre o artista. Gordan Savicic vai andando pela cidade criando mapas das dores que as redes sem fio exercem sobre ele. O artista chama essa tecnica de “war drive reverso”. Vejam trechos do post do We Make Money not Art:

The fetishistic garment, created by Gordan Savicic, is equipped with servo motors and a WIFI-enabled Nintendo DS. Electromagnetic waves are controlling the chest strap, shaping their invisible architecture directly onto the body. Daily walks between home, work and leisure are recompiled into a “pain-map” which is fetched from GoogleMaps servers with automated scripts. The map keeps tracks of the wireless networks along the route, but also of the wearer’s détours when entering a very dense network place.(…)”

Vejam abaixo a descricao do projeto e um mapa da “dor wi-fi” no proprio site do projeto:

“The project ‘the pain of everyday life’ is a city-intervention and a digital art performance addressing public and private space within the realm of everyday constraints. It resembles an urban interface for an invisible city, an architecture which is subconsciously perceived and which constantly oscillates as resonant landscape, consisting of electromagnetic waves.”