Open Data in Developing Countries: Different models, new approaches | WWW Foundation

Today, we’re sharing the first wave of results from our “Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries” (ODDC) project. This project marks the first major study of the use and impact of open data in countries across the developing world. Over a hundred researchers from the global South have been involved in developing 17 qualitative case studies with findings that span 13 countries, from Indonesia to Brazil. …


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Chicgo: City of Big Data Makes the Invisible, Visible | Architectural Record

For the exhibition Chicago: City of Big Data, CAF turned its centerpiece Chicago Model—a 320-square-foot resin replica of the city’s downtown, updated annually to reflect additions and subtractions—into an interpretive piece through which to “view” the city’s data. Encompassing everything from tweets to demographics to air quality, so-called big data is increasingly employed by city governments, developers, and designers to create smarter infrastructure that better integrates the urban environment with its populace. …


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20 Day Stranger

20 Day Stranger is an iPhone app that reveals intimate, shared connections between two anonymous individuals. It’s a mobile experience that exchanges one person’s experience of the world with another’s, while preserving anonymity on both sides. For 20 days, you and a stranger will experience the … Leia mais… »