Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Simpósio na Holanda, <>TAG, em The Hague, o “Augmented Reality: Superimposing the virtual”., aborda a relação entre espaço físico e o espaço virtual em sistemas de “realidade aumentada”. Vejam descrição (via Mobile City)

“(…) AR allows us to experience the ‘real’ world with an added layer of virtual information, like 3D images, metadata or restricted access information. The added virtual layer offers a new universe of practical as well as artistic possibilities.

(…) <>TAG presents artists and scientist whose work shows the untrodden territory in striking ways. This results in 3D-imaging as an added layer to the physical world, but also in, for example, leaving image and sound ‘traces’ in physical space and time, creating the impression that we can actually record history on the spot.

The term Augmented Reality was coined in the 1990’s as an answer to the highly popular Virtual Reality (VR). VR creates a complete simulation, which exists completely separated from the physical world. In contrast to this, AR offers an added layer, modifying, enhancing or supporting the perception of the physical world.(…)”.