Matéria do Mobile Communication, About mGov Lab China and its acitivities mostra a busca de implementação de ferramentas móveis (celulares, principalmente) para desenvolver plataformas de governo eletrônico. Como no Brasil temos mais usuários de telefonia celular do que da internet, o governo brasileiro está perdendo o bonde nesse processo em relação aos emergentes, como a China, a India e a Russia. E vejam que essa ferramenta de transparência, prestação de contas e informações aos cidadãos está sendo implementado em um governo fechado como o Chinês!
“Mobile Government Laboratory China (mGov Lab China, is the first mobile government research group in China. It aims to set up a platform for researchers and industrial experts and to promote mobile government practice and innovation in China. By promoting the application of mobile technology in government and public sectors, mGov Lab China aims to promote the development of the industry and to reinvent the public sector.
Project Mobile China ( has been launched by mGov Lab China in Feburary 2006, which aims to explore the mobility in China, the effect and potential of mobile ICT in Chinese society.
Mobile Government Seminar China was held in Peking University, Beijing, China on 18 March 2006. This seminar aims to set up a platform for researchers, practitioners in industry and government to promote mobile government practice and innovation in public sector.”