

Projeto Ecopet, “A game about active learning, an exploration of the , an exchange between individuals, a reflection on sustainability, alia tecnologias móveis e game para repensar a relação entre cultura, cidade. Experiências na Dinamarca, USA e Itália, produzem formas colaborativas de arte, narrativas e áudio. O objetivo é pensar ambiente, comunidade, cidade, com distribuição de objetos sensientes utilizando a rede de transporte público. A interface web oferece um banco de dado para download, visualizar as conexões entre sons e índices de poluição, por exemplo.

É possível também visualizar “location-based sounds” e baixá-los, assim como interagir e remixar sons da cidade e sincromizar os “community-based sound” com as rotas de ônibus. O projeto visa criar um sentimento de “lugar” (vejam meus últimos posts) e vínculo comunitário usando mídias com funções locativas e interativas. Via (The Mobile City). Descrição:

“(…)Eco-Pet is a mobile digital pet that circulates through physical space with its owner and extends the relationship of the individual with urban culture. This architecture of participation – materialized as collaborative art, narratives, and audio mixes – compete and coexist to produce new forms of intensely social and playful cultural production as part of an increasingly mobile and playful lifestyle. Research and prototyping for this project is ongoing in Denmark, Italy and the United States.”

“Eco-Pet is: integrated with the public transportation system – it functions as a bus card and likes to travel around the city; a monitoring device that records sounds and measures air quality – and is sensitive to pollution; a pet that requires it’s owner’s care for its well-being and to protect from prolonged exposure to pollution; social and enjoys other Eco-Pets and making remixes with the sounds of the city (…)”